Friday, January 14, 2011

It has been awhile since I have posted! The past 6 months haven't been all that eventful, except for the arrival of a nephew!! I'm enjoying it immensely. He's beautiful and it's so fun to watch my sister raise a child of her own. It's pretty amazing how much being an aunt affects me. I'm looking forward to see the personality that he will develop and how he and Chara will interact. She has been the only cousin for so long that I wonder how much of an adjustment it will be for her. It will be interesting to see her have someone to play with when my family gets together and how much their age difference will have an impact on their relationship.
While we are on the subject of Chara, I've been intending to get her tested for Attention Deficit Disorder. I'm not worried about if she has it or not it's the process of her testing and how I will help her if she does have it. I'm having a hard time knowing how to really help her. I'm actually a little bit overwhelmed with the whole prospect of it. It's a matter of figuring out how to manage my own energy level after a long day of working with Alzheimer's patients so that Chara can get as much of my help and attention as she can.
So, my goal for today is to get an appointment made for an ADD assessment. Not to mention all of the other picking up that my house needs!

As my mom used to always say on our way out the door, "Keep a smile on your face and in your heart!"

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