Thursday, June 23, 2011

Long Time No Write

Oops, the last post I had was 4 months ago! 
So, what has happened since then?  Chara had her surgery, she is healing well and her scars are still a little red, but she isn't oozing boogers out of her neck anymore!  Second grade is now in her history and she is looking forward to 3rd grade.  This summer her goal is to learn how to ride her bike without training wheels...she kind of knows, but is a little scared yet. My goal is to get her confidence up to do it.  She also has made a goal of reading 100 books this summer...we'll see how that goes! 
  I have changed jobs and now work for an organization called Chrestomathy.  Which translated from Latin (I think) means useful learning.  I work with developmentally disabled adults that range from high functioning...almost on a "normal" adult level to very low functioning - mental capabilities of babies and toddlers.  It is technically called a vocational day program, where I do job coaching.  I'm enjoying it and seeing how much these people are still people.  Half of my day is working one on one with the clients and the other half is spent driving them to and from work and home.  Some days it is exhausting, other days it's energizing.  While I don't think it's something that I will do for the rest of my life, I can see myself there for a little while.
   Now, it's time for me to go to bed.  Sometimes I hate that I'm a night owl, because I want to stay up longer, but know that I have to get myself up and moving in the morning.

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